What is ABA?

What is ABA?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy creates opportunities to learn and develop to the fullest potential.

Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific, research-based approach that supports the development of new skills and improves their behavior. Skills are developed by using sets of principles that are proven to be effective for significant change. These principles can be used across a range of skills including language, social, social critical thinking, emotional regulation and coping skills, life skills, health and fitness skills and more. Programs are tailored to individual needs. ABA is delivered in a variety of settings, school, home, clinic, and community settings. The goal of treatment is to help people function at their fullest potential.

ABA therapy has been used for decades to support children with autism and other developmental disabilities. However, the principles can be used to develop skills and create change in everyone’s life.

Who Can Benefit from ABA?


Applied Behavior Analysis is most known for its contribution to helping persons on the autism spectrum. ABA is a set of principles that can change anyone’s life. This is not limited to children in school, kids with autism or other behavior disorders.

Over the past 40 years, an extensive body of literature has reported the benefits of the use of ABA-based procedures to reduce problem behavior and increase appropriate skills for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID), autism, and related disorders.

What Does This Mean for People with Autism?

What Does This Mean for People with Autism?

It means we use a set of principles to individualize programs to optimize their social interaction and functioning in the environment. EVERY person is different. We are not trying to take away from who they are as people. We are not trying to change their personality and who they are. We are using scientifically proven principles to provide them with tools, skills, and language to live a full life and contribute to society.

Elementary school class with kids sitting on the floor
Elementary school class with kids sitting on the floor
Abstract box design
Abstract box design
Teacher with child cutting paper

It is not just for people with autism!

It is not just for people with autism!

These very principles can be used with kids with attention deficit disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, ED, Down syndrome, AND neurotypical kids, both in parenting, community activities, and classroom settings.

Teacher with child cutting paper

These same principles can be used in the workplace, with adults.

Organizational Behavior Management is a division that uses ABA in the workplace. ABA emphasizes the use of operant and respondent procedures to produce behavior change. Using these procedures, managers and human resource professionals can optimize staff performance.

Behavior modification programs can assist in the excessive health crisis in the United States. By using behavior-based based principles-daily life skills can be modified and life can be enhanced by changes made in nutrition, fitness, stress reduction, and sleep patterns.

If you sit down and think about it, behavior is embedded in everyone’s lives. It is all around you.